Haute vegan cuisine: a tasting journey

Haute vegan cuisine: a tasting journey
Corso Terminato

Haute vegan cuisine: a tasting journey

  • Durata: 2 giornate
  • Quando: 09/04/2018 - 10/04/2018
  • Codice corso: 577
  • Docente: Toni Rodriguez
  • Orario: 09:00-17:00
  • Difficoltà:
  • Durata: 2 giornate

Demo course for a tasting journey into the vegan gourmet.
The chef will talk about the best flavour and colours combinations and how to choose high quality ingredients.

Menu for the two days:

-Sweet potatoes sobrasada with Pimentón de la Vera and carasau bread;
-Salad with roasted carrot, spring vegetables and miso vinaigrette;
– Cashew cheese fondue with aromatic herbs homemade focaccia;
– Vacuum sealed artichoke with black truffle sauce and black olives and cauliflower couscous;
-Lentils and quinoa Hamburger with thyme and smoked leek ketchup;
– Homemade Seitan skewer with chimichurri and marinated fennel;
– Boletus – porcino mushroom creamy rice, roman broccoli and low temperature garlic;
-70% maracuya chocolate coulant;
-Vanille Sablé with hazelnut gianduja and coconut sugar

To who is the course addressed?

The course is dedicated to professionists who want to enrich their menu with vegan dishes offer

What’s included in your tuition fee:

Participation, recipe book, coffee break, lunch break and final tasting.
At the end of the course you will get a certificate signed by the teacher.

Course schedule:

Day 1
Ore 8.30 welcome
Ore 9.00 morning class
Ore 13.00 lunch break in Hangar78
Ore 14.00 afternoon class
Ore 17.00 end of the first day class

Ore 8.30 welcome
Ore 9.00 morning class
Ore 13.00 lunch break in Hangar78
Ore 14.00 afternoon class
Ore 17.00 end of the class

Dove si svolgerà il corso?

Le lezioni si svolgeranno nella nuova aula didattica 3, una Cooking Arena dedicata all’alta ristorazione e dessert al piatto.
Cucina professionale attrezzata, è dotata di 35 comode sedute e maxi schermi per non perdere alcun dettaglio.

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