Mono portion cakes with chef Davide Malizia: food cost, marketing and laboratory workflow management.

Mono portion cakes  with chef Davide Malizia: food cost, marketing and laboratory workflow management.
Corso Terminato

Mono portion cakes with chef Davide Malizia: food cost, marketing and laboratory workflow...

  • Durata: 3 giornate
  • Quando: 07/05/2018 - 09/05/2018
  • Codice corso: 581
  • Docente: Davide Malizia
  • Orario: 09:00-17:00
  • Difficoltà:
  • Durata: 3 giornate

Demo course with chef Davide Malizia on mono portion cake production for pastry shops, with focus on efficency, food cost, marketing and laboratory workflow management.

The three day program:

– Theory and variety of cakes
– Cake production and decoration
– Improving laboratory workflow
– Simple yet impactful creations (mousse, cakes, mirror glasses, bavarese)

To who is the course addressed?

This course is dedicated to pastry chefs, bakers and professionists interested to gain knowledge on how to manage laboratory food cost and production process.
What’s included in your tuition fee:
Participation, recipe book, coffee break, lunch break and final tasting.
At the end of the course you will get a certificate signed by the teacher.

Course schedule:

Ore 8.30 welcome
Ore 9.00 morning class
Ore 13.00 lunch break in Hangar78
Ore 14.00 afternoon class
Ore 17.00 end of the class

Dove si svolgerà il corso?

Le lezioni si svolgeranno in aula didattica 2, uno spazio dove esperti potranno divulgare e condividere le proprie competenze tecniche per corsi dimostrativi e di aggiornamento, ma all’occorenza si trasforma in un laboratorio pratico di Pasticceria, Gelateria, Panificazione e molto altro.

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