Restaurant Desserts

Restaurant Desserts
- Durata: 2 giornate
- Quando: 11/06/2018 - 12/06/2018

- Codice corso: 585
- Docente: Jordi Puigvert
- Orario: 09:00-17:00
- Durata: 2 giornate
Demo course on plate desserts, where Chef Jordi Puigvert will present a rich program to enrich hotel and restaurant dessert menu. Free, dynamic and creative recipes that combines particular ingredients and techniques to reach new solutions in pastry.
To who is the course addressed?
The course is dedicated to pastry chef and professionists interested to refresh their dessert menu.
What’s included in your tuition fee:
Participation, recipe book, coffee break, lunch break and final tasting.
At the end of the course you will get a certificate signed by the teacher.
Course schedule:
Day 1:
8.30 welcome
9.00 morning class
13.00 lunch break in Hangar78
14.00 afternoon class
17.00 end of the first day class
Day 2:
8.30 welcome
9.00 morning class
13.00 lunch break in Hangar78
14.00 afternoon class
17.00 end of the class
Dove si svolgerà il corso?
Le lezioni si svolgeranno in aula didattica 2, uno spazio dove esperti potranno divulgare e condividere le proprie competenze tecniche per corsi dimostrativi e di aggiornamento, ma all’occorenza si trasforma in un laboratorio pratico di Pasticceria, Gelateria, Panificazione e molto altro.
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