The 3 Michelin-starred cuisine of chef Enrico Cerea

The 3 Michelin-starred cuisine of chef Enrico Cerea
Corso Terminato

The 3 Michelin-starred cuisine of chef Enrico Cerea

  • Durata: 2 giornate
  • Quando: 21/05/2018 - 22/05/2018
  • Codice corso: 586
  • Docente: Enrico Cerea
  • Orario: 09:00-17:00
  • Difficoltà:
  • Durata: 2 giornate

Demo course on haute cuisine with an international icon from 3 star Michelin restaurant “Da Vittorio”, chef Enrico Cerea.

Two complete days dedicated to discover those plates that embody the philosophy of his father Vittorio Cerea, passed down from one generation to the other.

Piatti piacevoli, equilibrati e molto apprezzati, che hanno saputo coniugare con grande successo i prodotti del mare e i sapori del territorio.

Well-balanced and very appreciated recipes , that combine products from the sea and traditional flavours.

A focus on the raw material, fresh, seasonal and high quality ingredients used to create unique and harmonious plates.

To who is the course addressed?

The course is dedicated to professionists interested to add three star recipes to their restaurant menu.

What’s included in your tuition fee:

Participation, recipe book, coffee break, lunch break and final tasting.

At the end of the course you will get a certificate signed by the teacher.

Course schedule:

Day 1:

Ore 8.30 welcome
Ore 9.00 morning class
Ore 13.00 lunch break in Hangar78
Ore 14.00 afternoon class
Ore 17.00 end of the first day class

Day 2:

Ore 8.30 welcome
Ore 9.00 morning class
Ore 13.00 lunch break in Hangar78
Ore 14.00 afternoon class
Ore 17.00 end of the class

Dove si svolgerà il corso?

Le lezioni si svolgeranno nella nuova aula didattica 3, una Cooking Arena dedicata all’alta ristorazione e dessert al piatto.
Cucina professionale attrezzata, è dotata di 35 comode sedute e maxi schermi per non perdere alcun dettaglio.

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