Vegan and Gluten-Free Pastry

Vegan and Gluten-Free Pastry
Corso Terminato

Vegan and Gluten-Free Pastry

  • Durata: 5 giornate
  • Quando: 14/05/2018 - 18/05/2018
  • Codice corso: 582
  • Docente: Francesco Favorito
  • Orario: 09:00-17:00
  • Difficoltà:
  • Durata: 5 giornate

Practical course on vegan and gluten free pastry. You will learn about the traditional pastry dough recipes ( beignet, brioche, shortcrust pastry, puff pastry, sponge cake), cream and other yeast baked products without animal ingredients inside.

During the course you will have an introduction on natural pastry, one of the pastry sector that attracts more interest as lots of people think that it is impossible to elaborate cakes without milk, butter and eggs.

Chef Francesco Favorito will teach you how to choose raw material, flour, sweetners, balance and bake them to obtain a perfect result and satisfy a number of clients who increases day by day.

Who this course is addressed to?

The course is dedicated to professionists and pastry chefs interested to offer vegan and gluten free choices to their clients.

What’s included in your tuition fee:

Participation, recipe book, coffee break, lunch break and final tasting.

At the end of the course you will get a certificate signed by the teacher.

Course schedule:

Ore 8.30 welcome
Ore 9.00 morning class
Ore 13.00 lunch break in Hangar78
Ore 14.00 afternoon class
Ore 17.00 end of the day class

Dove si svolgerà il corso?

Le lezioni si svolgeranno in aula didattica 1, la Sala Master, uno spazio dedicato e attrezzato con 16 cucine autonome dove provare con mano e sperimentare, sotto l’occhio attento e preciso di esperti maestri del settore.

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Come Raggiungerci

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